Welcome you to Flowers in Nepal Flower Store!

Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of your credential’s information. we appreciate your worry and trust towards us so that we promise you security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy describes how Flowers in Nepal.com and its affiliates gather and process your personal data through Flowers in Nepal sites, devices, and gadgets provider and application that reference this Privacy policy. While using Flowers in Nepal services, following practices are described in this Privacy Policy as:

What types of personal information about users does Flowers in Nepal collect?

For what Purpose Flowers in Nepal collect user personal Information?

What about Cookies Policy?

How secure is my Information on Flowers in Nepal?

What about Advertising Policy?

What data can user Access?

What options do users have?

Which age group Encourages to use Flowers in Nepal?

Condition of using Flowers in Nepal

Related Information and uses

Examples of collected information


What Private data about users does Flowers in Nepal collect?

We collect your personal information to send and regularly improve our listed products and services.

Here are some types of information we collect from our user:

Information You Provide: We collect and store data you provide in relation to Flowers in Nepal services. Click here to see examples of what we gather from users.

You can think not to give certain information, but then you might not be successful to take some features of many of our Flowers in Nepal services.

Automatic data: We automatically gather and store some types of data or information about your use of Flowers in Nepal services, including data about your search history and interaction with related content and services served by or on behalf of Flowers in Nepal on other sites.


Information from different sources: We might collect data or information about you from different sources, such as updated address and delivery information from our regular activities, which we use to modify our records and provide your next selection more flexible.

For what Purpose Flowers in Nepal collect user personal Information?

We collect your personal information to operate, provide, improve, and develop the items and services that we offer you.


Purchase and selection of items and services: We use your private information to make and handle orders, deliver items and services, make payments, and communicate with about your selected orders, items and services, and affiliate links.

We use your personal data or information to provide, troubleshoot, and improve Flowers in Nepal products and services.

Suggestions and personalization: We use your personal information to suggest features, items, and services that might be related to your search, identify your primary, and personalize the user's experience with us.

Provide Audio, Video, and Images services: When you use our audio, video, and camera images, we use your audio input, pictures, videos, and other personal information to respond to user requests, give the requested service to our user, and update our services.

Communication: We use your personal information to communicate with you in connecting to Flowers in Nepal services via different sources.

What about Cookies Policy?

If you want our system to remember your browser or device then cookie policy is there to give and improve Flowers in Nepal services, please enable our system cookies, we set cookies and other identifiers. For more information about our cookies policy and how it works, please read our cookies notification board.

How secure is my Information on Flowers in Nepal?

We design our system with our user's security and privacy in the mind.

We ensure protection of your personal information during transmission by using encryption protocols and intelligent security software.

We follow the most secure and international payment gateways for holding credit cards details and banking information.

What about Advertising Policy?

Third-Party Advertisers and Affiliate links: Flowers in Nepal services may include different third-party advertising and affiliate links to other sites and mobile applications. Third-party advertising partners want to collect more information about their product reviews and suggestions.

So, they provide different interest-based ads and other advertising preferences pages.

Use of Third-Party Advertising policy: We give ad companies with information that allows them to provide you with more flexible and useful Flowers in Nepal ads and to measure their features.

What data can user Access?

You can access your data, including your username, password, address, payment options, dashboard details, membership, household settings, and selection history in the "your dashboard" section of the site.

What options do users have?

As we mentioned above, you can select not to provide certain data, but then you might not be able to take features of many of the Flowers in Nepal Services.

You can add or modify certain related information on pages such as those referenced in what data can I access? When you add or update your personal information, we usually keep a duplicate of the prior version for our history records.

Are Children Encourage to using Flowers in Nepal Product?

Flowers in Nepal does not sell any items for purchase by children. We sell electronics products for purchase by parents. If you are under 18, you may use Flowers in Nepal services only with the involvement of an adult or guardian.

California Consumer Privacy Act

This California Consumer Privacy Act page disclosure supplements the Flowers in Nepal Privacy Police and is followed as of the Janauary1, 2020. The Flowers in Nepal Privacy Policy define the personal information about our users which we collect, the source from which we gather it, the motive for which we use it, the limited areas under which we share personal information, and with whom we share personal information. These addition disclosures are needed by the California Consumer Privacy Act:

Area of Personal Information gathered:

The personal information that Flowers in Nepal collects, from our users in the twelve months prior to the suitable date of this disclosure like as, age gender, username, password, address, phone numbers, or Ip address so on.

Biometric Information: such as your voice recognition, if you allow that on Alexa,

Geolocation: If you allow your location on your device or computer,

Flowers in Nepal Services: Electronic products, Third party products

Professional Information: Information you provide us about your business if you are a vendor or inference information, such as about your purchase preferences if you agree with our policy.                                                                                   

Condition of using Flowers in Nepal

If you choose to use Flowers in Nepal products and services, your use and any dispute over privacy policy are related to this notification and our terms and conditions of use, including limitations on brokerages, resolution of damages, and verification by legal policy. Our present Privacy Policy applies to all related information to our users.

Related Information and uses        

* Terms and Conditions


*Returns and Refund

*Help Department

*Service Support

*Recent Notice

*Profile and social Guidelines

Examples of collected information

You give information or data to us when you:

·         Search for required products,

·         Selection of product from your cart or place a selection through or use Flowers in Nepal Services,

·         Download, view, use content, search order

·         Registration Process,

·         Using with other devices like, Alexa, a speech recorder

As a result, you might supply us with such data as:

·         Your payments information,

·         Address

·         Age

·         Gender

·         Ip Address

·         Phone Contacts

·         Voice recording service provider software or hardware devices,

·         Private profile and Photograph details

·         Gmail or Email address

·         Images and Videos collected by Flowers in Nepal,

·         Financial Information,

·         Credit History